The Liens

The Liens
Brian, Kelli, Derrick, and Caysen

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas in Benson at Grandma Hoefer's

Derrick with his Kreo's.  He loves lego things...but Mean Mom and Dad wouldn't let him open them with all the kids and presents and all the little pieces that would have gotten lost!

Caysen stealing some Reese's Pieces.  Nice Auntie Christie let him eat a bunch of them!

He's definately my child eating all the yummy candy!  In the background Abigail wanted to share her soggy M and M's with me...YUMMMMMY

Caysen really not sure of Mom had to sit on his lap too

Uncle Tim sure wasn't scared of Santa! 

Caysen clinging to me for dear life!

Nice picture with Santa!

Then Santa asked him about all his girlfriends...I believe Derrick told him that he only has one girlfriend now....and Santa said oh you cut back...and Derrick said yes.  Ha...
Caysen Loving playing Cards!  It was so fun to listen to him giggle!

I'm almost caught up on Christmas pictures and videos!  A Christmas a night is my goal!

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