The Liens

The Liens
Brian, Kelli, Derrick, and Caysen

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving in Raymond

Here are some pictures from our Thanksgiving Celebration in Raymond today!  The boys had a blast and we ate some really good food, again!

Caysen and Aunty Christie sharing lefse with Great-Great Grandma Elaine!  He love licking the sugar and butter off his fingers!

Playing with Grandma Elaine's Walker...It was put on time out!

Caysen with his Grandma Cindy and the puppy, "arf arf"

Having a blast playing with Grandma Elaine and the puppy! 

Derrick and Grandma Elaine....I think I forgot to tell Grandma to smile!

I'm Nolan...and I didn't do it! ha

No time for pictures....I'm having Chicken in a Biskit! ha ha

Caysen playing with the of the few words he says very clear!

Caysen letting Matt and Kim's puppy, Mia, lick his fingers....and then trying to stick them in Brian's mouth!  Hillarious!  He then tried this on Grandma!

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